Ludwig, Montreal | Sortlist
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Montreal, Kanada
Ludwig is a brand agency defined around a community of elite creative entities hosted on a private matchmaking and communication platform. We believe in harnessing expertise and collaborative spirit. Our goal is to offer crafted services & resources to deliver brand values converting targeted audiences. Today, our three main offices located in Europe - Luxembourg, North America - Montreal, and Asia - Shanghai, ensure Ludwig core teams are able to develop, manage and adapt global campaigns to local perspectives. We activate independent local strategic and creative experts based on your defined brief, and provide clients with a seamless project management experience from start to finish. Honor local, create global. Ludwig CCC // Creative & Collaborative Club. Digital platform matchmaking elite creative entities and leading brands around creative project opportunities. MISSION To be the global collaborative & creative brand agency by organizing and matching teams with our client’s objectives. To deliver crafted creative strategies and content converting audiences while maximizing cost efficiency. VISION We will be the global leader in delivering custom creative services to brands, and our collaborative processes and methods will stand as reference when global and local orchestrations are mandatory. VALUES The foundation of our culture is based on collaboration, authenticity, excellence, trust and support to our fellow teams, collaborators, partners and clients. OUR SERVICES: 3D Animation - 3D Modeling - Art Direction - Brand Design - CRM & Analytics - Copywriting - Creative Direction - Digital - Event - Film / 3D content - Graphic Design - Illustration - Interior Design -Marketing - Motion Design - Naming - Planning - Photography - Product Design - Production - Public Relation - Retail - Social Media - Sound Design - Trademark & IP - VR / AI / New Tech OUR ADDED VALUES: WE DEFINE AROUND YOUR OBJECTIVES Ludwig’s on demand services cover your global and local brand strategy. WE BUILD TAILORED TEAMS OF EXPERTS Ludwig identifies, activates and organizes local talents with the right creative and strategic expertise to fit with your brand’s objectives and values. WE GENERATE FLEXIBILITY AND CREATIVITY Whether it is a local project or a global brand campaign, Ludwig teams orchestrate at a very high level of management and operations the group of activated experts through collaborative and creative approaches. LUDWIG CCC: Why would you subscribe to Ludwig CCC? A private access You get unique direct access to a worldwide community of creative entities. A pitch accelerator You get multiple creative recommandations and action plans to your briefs. A recruitment platform You hire your dream teams instantly and simply via Ludwig management. A project enabler You buy on-demand management support to complete your projects. A budget saver You invest in one membership, you collaborate globally.
8 Personen im Team
Spricht Chinesisch, Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
1 Referenz im Portfolio
Arbeitet remote auf der ganzen Welt
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2019
Gegründet 2016
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22 Dienstleistungen angeboten von Ludwig



  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in branding services.
    Skills in Markenbildung & Positionierung (15)
    Brand DesignBrandingNamingDesignCorporate IdentityStrategyBrand StrategyBrand IdentityDevelopmentAdvertising+5
    Referenz in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1)
    adidas tennis - Australian Open - Digital campaign - Markenbildung & Positionierung
    Kunde in Markenbildung & Positionierung (1)
    adidasSport | international

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Markenbildung & Positionierung

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts digital strategy services.
    Skills in Digitale Strategie (14)
    AdvertisingDigital TransformationStrategyProject ManagementDigitalCRM ConsultingstrategicIntegratedConsultancyInnovative+4
    Referenz in Digitale Strategie (1)
    adidas tennis - Australian Open - Digital campaign - Digitale Strategie
    Kunde in Digitale Strategie (1)
    adidasSport | international

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale Strategie

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in graphic/brand design services.
    Skills in Grafikdesign (17)
    StrategyIllustrationpackagingsConceptingBrand DesignBrandCorporate IdentityDesignLogoBranding+7

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Grafikdesign

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in digital services.
    Skills in Webseitengestaltung (12)
    DevelopmentCustomUX DesignDigitalSEOSearch Engine OptimizationwireframesUX/UIInternet MarketingEcommerce+2
    Referenz in Webseitengestaltung (1)
    adidas tennis - Australian Open - Digital campaign - Webseitengestaltung
    Kunde in Webseitengestaltung (1)
    adidasSport | international

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webseitengestaltung

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in 3D services.
    Skills in 3D (5)
    CompositingVFXVideo Editing3D Animationrenderings

    Erfahren Sie mehr über 3D

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in App/digital custom development services.
    Skills in Webanwendung (10)
    mobile appsDevelopingApplication DevelopmentCustomStrategyMobile App DevelopmentApp DevelopmentDesigningwireframesbuilding

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Webanwendung

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in content creation services.
    Skills in Content-Strategie (18)
    SocialManagementmediacampaignscommunicationsstrategiesDigitalSocial MediaStrategyAdvertising+8
    Referenz in Content-Strategie (1)
    adidas tennis - Australian Open - Digital campaign - Content-Strategie
    Kunde in Content-Strategie (1)
    adidasSport | international

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Content-Strategie

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in social media services.
    Skills in Social Media (9)

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Social Media

  • Beschreibung
    We activate, organize and collaborate with the best experts in advertising/communication services.
    Skills in Werbung (15)
    CreativeContent CreationStrategyAdvertisingAdsBrandManagementPlatformsmediacampaigns+5

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Werbung

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Motion-Design (2)
    Motion DesignMotion Graphics

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Motion-Design

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  • HeadquarterMontreal, QC, Canada
