FitPropella (+ 5 Bewertungen) | Sortlist
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Greater London, Vereinigtes Königreich
We help Gyms & Studios scale by building client acquisition systems to attract high ticket clients.
FitPropella is an industry-leading growth partner for gym & studio owners. After more than 3 years working with clients in every fitness niche imaginable– and over 8 countries across 3 continents– we can now confidently say that we have developed a plug-and-play system to propel your gym or studio to new levels. FitPropella is one of the first in the industry to offer a "Pay-per-Profit" model, with zero setup fees & no hidden fees to get started. Meaning, you only pay us a fee for each person who books an appointment and actually show up (costs nothing to get started!). Click below to see our results & testimonials or book an obligation-free Demo Call with our team:
3 Personen im Team
Spricht Englisch
Sortlist Mitglied seit 2024


2 Dienstleistungen angeboten von FitPropella



  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Digitale Strategie (3)
    Inbound MarketingDigital AdvertisingOnline Marketing Campaign
    Bewertung in Digitale Strategie (1)
    Catharine Pham

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Digitale Strategie

  • Beschreibung

    Für diese Dienstleistung ist keine Beschreibung vorhanden.

    Skills in Werbung (4)
    Lead GenerationLead NurturingDigital AdvertisingFull-Service
    Bewertungen in Werbung (4)
    Castillo U. Anthony
    Louis Autry
    Leana Morley
    Asiya Yunusa

    Erfahren Sie mehr über Werbung

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5 Bewertungen für FitPropella

(5 Bewertungen)
Asiya YunusaMarketing Manager bei MPT

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?To boost our client acquisition strategy and systems towards the end of the year when our memberships and revenues typically fall.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?The whole team was super easy to work with, and maintained a good level of professionalism throughout our time working together. They took the time to explain the CRM and ai systems to us and even took time to provide some basic training for my team to manage our pipeline and appointments. Over the course of 90 days FitPropella helped us acquire 83 new member signups, and our PTs converted 28 of these to personal training programmes. I am more than delighted with their work and support.

Asiya Yunusa empfiehlt diese Agentur


Castillo U. AnthonyCo-Founder & Managing Director bei Iron Fitness & Gym

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?We reached out to Conor & the FitPropella team to help use set up and manage a campaign for one of our new locations to give us a boost. We needed a steady flow of leads and appointments to keep our trainers and salespeople busy and to kick-start our affiliate programme.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Within 2 weeks of launching the campaigns we had 25 pre-booked appointments. Customers showed up and knew what to expect, which made it much easier for my team to close the sales. 2 months in, and FitPropella provides about 60-70% of all our leads and appointments and is really the backbone of this new location.

Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?The only thing I'd say is that onboarding took a little longer than expected. I will, however, give kudos where due. I thank them for not rushing the onboarding and communicating to me and my team how they wanted to make sure everything was in perfect working order before commencing the campaigns. In the end, it all worked out great.

Castillo U. Anthony empfiehlt diese Agentur


Catharine PhamOwner bei Vitality Fitness
DienstleistungDigitale Strategie
Team1 - 10

Was war das Ziel Ihrer Zusammenarbeit?Conor and his team managed a Facebook & Instagram advertising campaign for us to generate booked appointments straight into our calendar. They handled everything from A-Z and even built out a custom email list for us.

Was hat Ihnen während Ihrer Zusammenarbeit am meisten Spaß gemacht?Conor and his team went above and beyond. They set up and managed our campaigns from A-Z, built us a custom funnel, and had their chat bot automatically qualify and book our leads in for appointments. Everything went smoothly and it really showed us the power of having a good marketing system in place. We added 5 figures to our monthly revenue and will definitely be staying with the FitPropella team.

Gibt es Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten?We had a slight delay with getting our campaigns running, but this was due to an issue with our Facebook account.

Catharine Pham empfiehlt diese Agentur

DienstleistungDigitale Strategie
Team1 - 10

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Kontaktdetails von FitPropella


  • Headquarter1st floor, 415 High Street, London E15 4QZ, UK
